You may notice that as different liturgical seasons roll around here at All Saints Parish, the Church Décor changes. Sometimes it’s a very noticeable change, such as when the Nativity scenes get put out for Advent and Christmas. And sometimes it’s subtler, like the change of the flowers on the Altar, or lack of flowers during Lent. All of these changes, big and small, are thanks to our Art & Environment Committee.
Though the Committee only uses real flowers in their decorations, they’re more than just poinsettias at Christmas time. The Art & Environment Committee works to bring beauty and a prayerful atmosphere to our Worship space. Their goal is to enhance our worship experience by providing liturgically appropriate decoration, not to distract form the Mass. They do this by coming up with Liturgical themes that echo the whole life of Christ through the seasons of Advent, Ordinary Time, Lent & Easter. They also decorate for special occasions during these Seasons, such as The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The committee always looking for willing hands to help them rearrange decorations and make our worship space beautiful. We are a multi-cultural parish, and the A&E Committee is looking for ways to honor other cultures, and are always open to new suggestions and ideas.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email the Art & Environment Committee at: [email protected]